2005-06 Titan Player Journals
Steve Schweer (6-6 Sr Forward, Hinsdale Central H.S.)
Entry #1 - November 16, 2005
Titan Fans-
Hello again...it is about that time. Our first snow flurries came down this morning, and the only thing that winter gives life to is basketball season. It seems so strange, though, that this winter I will be slipping on my #40 Titan jersey for the last games of my career. Just before the Illinois game Coach Stein went around the locker room telling the freshmen how they had 100 special nights left as a Titan (25 games for 4 years). I remember being in their shoes and thinking I had an eternity left. This season, though, will be one to remember.
In the past four months, the Titans have had quite an experience. As you know, we were fortunate enough to be able to visit Costa Rica and play on foreign soil. This was nothing short of a life changing experience, that none of us will ever forget.
Our return to the states after an amazing trip had us seeing blue and orange on the horizon: Assembly Hall was waiting for us on November 3. As our matchup with the Illini drew closer, the guys and I could not help but overhear the hype. Some people would say that we were going to get blown out, that Illinois had too much size and speed for us to match up with. We just went about our business. If there is one thing that us seniors have learned through our four years here, it might be the concept of family. We will have spent about one-fifth of our lives here upon our graduation, and the majority of that time we will have spent with each other. We have all been there to pick each other up through tough times, and we have been there together in times of triumph. So when doubts about our ability to match-up with Illinois crept into public opinion, we said nothing. Inside our world of practice gyms and locker rooms, 25 people exist: our fellow players and coaches, and we all believed. When the time came to tape up and run out on the Assembly Hall floor, we were as ready as we could be, and I think our performance showed that. While the final score reflected a 20+ point loss, I think that everyone who was at that game knew that we were, as Dauksas said, "A good basketball team. Not just a good division three team."
All of that is over now, and the most grueling six weeks of the entire year known as the preseason is almost over too. We have had our share of ups and downs this preseason, and unfortunately have sometimes not played to the potential that we know we have. So in this last week before the real season starts, we have to re-focus, and realize that for eight of us, this is the last year we will ever wear our Titan jerseys, and the last year we will ever play in front of the best fans in the entire country. I promise we will be ready.
Much Love,