2005-06 Titan Player Journals
Mike McGraw (6-3 Sr Guard, Litchfield H.S.)
Entry #2 - December 25, 2005
I hope everyone had a great holiday. It is hard to believe that this is my last Christmas break and Christmas basketball trip of my college career! It was good to be home with my family. Christmas is my favorite time of year because I love seeing all my friends and family, going to church on Christmas eve and, of course, exchanging gifts. Even though, as children, we received large gifts from "Santa", my favorites gifts to open were always our Christmas stockings - they were, and still are, always full of surprises! Every year my family goes out to dinner on Christmas eve and then to mass at our Church. Then we all go home and exchange our gifts. On Christmas day, we get together with the rest of my family either at our house or my uncle's, and have Christmas dinner. I love the tradition!
On Monday myself and the rest of the guys will be heading back for practice and start getting ready to leave for California and to face Pudget Sound. That will be another big game for us. On Tuesday we fly out. It will be nice to get away for a few days and experience a place that I have never been. I love seeing new places so I am pretty excited about the trip and the games!
I wish everyone the best this holiday season and hope everyone enjoyed themselves. We will give it our very best in California and hope to bring back two more wins! Take care and God bless!
Entry #1 - November 24, 2005
I want to start by thanking Mr. Quillman for allowing me to do this. This is one of the many things that makes IWU so special. I also would like to thank all of the fans for all of their support. No matter where we go we always have the most fans and the best fans. Ya'll are awesome.
It was great to be home for Thanksgiving. I love being around my family and friends, and of course, the food was really good too. I had not been back to Litchfield in a while so it was good to see friends from high school and it was nice to catch up with everyone. Tomorrow we head back to Bloomington for practice, time to work off all of the turkey! We'll be getting ready for Monday's game against St. Xavier. Coach has been telling us all year that every game is a tough one and when you're number one in the country every team is gunning for you. Monday will be a good game and we have to come out and play for 40 minutes. But, it is always good knowing that we are in the friendly confines of the Shirk Center. It is so neat to me because after all of my years playing basketball I still get goosebumps running out to our crowd. It is one of the best feelings a Titan player can have.
It is so hard to believe that this is the last year we 8 seniors will get to put on a Titan uniform. It has been an awesome ride, but it just goes too fast. We will do everything we can to make this season a memorable one for everyone! I hope everyone had a great holiday and I look forward to seeing everyone at the game!
Until next time,
Mike McGraw